December 9, 2008

Weekly Summary: Week Three

This will be the last publication for the Fall semester, see you all again in the Spring, when we will kick it off on the second official week of school. Thanks for reading, thanks for your support! If you have final comments for the semester, critical reviews, or are interested in writing for us or debating us, write to us at:

Christmas Bailout, Seasonal Giving
By Francis Mader

Will the likely government bailout of the automobile industry really benefit us in the long term? In the short term? Francis Mader argues that it is a bad idea.

George W. Bush: Good Man, Bad Rap
By Andrew Lacy

Just mentioning the four letter word (Bush) seems to get liberals foaming at the mouth. Maybe they should avoid reading this one, a letter from a Bush apologist.

Google Censoring Search Results
By Michael Folkert

If Google were to filter out homosexual sites, many people would be upset. But when they censor sites questioning Obama, there is little commotion. Wait, you knew about Google censoring, right?

Proposition 8
By Alex Thomas

While homosexuals continue to outcry oppression since proposition 8 passed in California, marriage continues to be an exclusive arrangement: Man and Woman. It only seems natural.

Teacher Stimulates Thinking by Questioning Reasons for being Heterosexual
By Michael Folkert

A touch of cynicism, perhaps, but the proof is in the pudding. I could answer all of these questions, could you?

News Clips: Full List
Compiled by Tobias Davis