February 3, 2009

Obama and Pelosi don't want you to have kids

Andrew Lacy
UNL Broadcasting Major

While the Daily Nebraskan editorial board has been worshipping at the altar of President Obama,‭ ‬we here at the Student Newspaper have been keeping a close eye on his actual policies.‭ ‬As expected,‭ ‬it took only a few days for the president to take a hard left turn against the rights of the unborn.

One of the first executive orders issue from the Obama White House is aimed a rolling back the Mexico City Policy.‭ ‬This policy,‭ ‬which was established under Ronald Reagan and expanded by George W.‭ ‬Bush,‭ ‬prevented taxpayer money from being used to support organizations that perform abortions in foreign countries.

Shortly afterward,‭ ‬Obama also lifted President Bush’s policy against taxpayer funding to support embryonic stem cell research.‭ ‬Bush instituted the policy during his first year in offices in‭ ‬2001,‭ ‬and instead directed public funding toward research with adult stem cells,‭ ‬which present no ethical problems and have proven more effective than embryonic cells.

Despite the fact that a majority of Americans‭ – ‬55‭ ‬percent according to a‭ ‬2006‭ ‬Rasmussen study‭ – ‬consider abortion morally wrong,‭ ‬President Obama has laid the groundwork to force those people to fund actions that destroy unborn life whether they like it or not.‭ ‬I guess that’s what the pro-abortion movement means when they say they’re for‭ ‘‬choice.‭’

Meanwhile,‭ ‬Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos she wants‭ ‘‬family planning services‭’ ‬to be included in Obama’s pork barrel stimulus proposal.‭ ‬For those of you who voted for Obama,‭ ‬family planning is a euphemism Democrats like to use when they don’t want people to know they’re talking about abortion.‭ ‬Pelosi’s reasoning is that many states are in a budget crisis and healthcare and education for children puts a strain on the economy.‭ ‬In other words,‭ ‬children are a burden on the economy and we need to have fewer of them.

Fortunately,‭ ‬AP reports House Democrats are likely to leave Pelosi’s proposal out of the stimulus bill.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬they’re doing it for purely political reasons.‭ ‬President Obama has been courting House Republicans to support the bill in order to create an illusion of bipartisanship‭ – ‬translation:‭ ‬Republicans compromise their principles.‭ ‬Obama sees abortion funding as a hindrance to garnering Republican support for the pork bill,‭ ‬and pressured Democrats to exclude it.

For those of you keeping score,‭ ‬Obama has issued an executive order extending protection to terrorists,‭ ‬and two that take protection away from the unborn.‭ ‬Is that change you can believe in‭?