February 3, 2009

Weekly Summary: Week Five

Hello again, astute readers! Last weeks publication got scrapped due to poor communications on my part, the editor. This week we have been busy campaigning for the UNL student body government, the elections are coming up in a month! While the other big party is running on a platform of "diversity" and "school tradition", I am excited to support the best of the best, the Party of Hope and Change running on a platform of "lower student fees by increased budget transparency." You can check them out on Facebook.

ASUN Report
By Francis Mader

The ASUN is working on getting a new rec center built on the East Campus. I would probably support such a thing, except that they tacked on several more items with the bill.

Obama and Pelosi don't want you to have kids.
By Andrew Lacy

Last time we reported that Russia is honoring families with many children. Here in America we do things differently: We like to turn the birth rate to a negative so the trillions in debt can be paid off by fewer people. Smooth moves, Pelosi.

B.O. jumps the gun in Cuba.
By Benjamin Kantack

While many people laud the closing of the Guantanamo prison as amazing move, the problem of releasing known terrorists has not been unnoticed. Not unnoticed by terrorists, who are real excited.

Freedom of Speech tested.
By Nathan Davis

While here in America North Carolinan taxpayers have unwittingly given $300K for the production of a child rape movie, Dutch filmmakers are being told their anti-Muslim movie can't be shown.

News Clips: Full List
Compiled by Tobias Davis

Crazy abortion "doctors" finally getting sued, young men in Italy lit a man on fire, Hamas shields themselves with civilians and ambulances, Obama has been working with terrorists, and more!