February 19, 2009

Santorum speaks about threat of radical Islam

Andrew Lacy
UNL Broadcasting Major

While many Americans are focused on the economy,‭ ‬former Sen.‭ ‬Rick Santorum,‭ ‬R-Pa.,‭ ‬chose to speak to students about the current wars in the Middle East.

‎“‏The previous administration and the current administration have both dealt with the war incorrectly,‭” ‬Santorum said during his speech Tuesday night.

Santorum was highly critical of both former President Bush and President Obama for failing to properly identify America’s enemies.‭ ‬Santorum said America is not fighting terrorists,‭ ‬but rather a particular group of people with a particular ideology.

‎“‏How can the American public go to the polls and make an informed decision if you don’t know who we’re fighting‭?” ‬Santorum said.

Santorum said elected officials have been very careful not to identify America’s enemies in religious terms because they are afraid of offending Muslims.‭ ‬He told the audience of about‭ ‬60‭ ‬people the nature of the terrorist threat is rooted in fundamental Islamic theology.

Santorum said many Muslims read the Qur’an literally,‭ ‬without putting it into proper historical context as most Christians and Jews do with their scriptures.‭ ‬He went on to briefly inform the audience of some of the differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims after a show of hands revealed only a few audience members knew the difference.

‎“‏We’ve been fighting for seven years and most people don’t know who the enemy is,‭” ‬Santorum said.

He also emphasized the religious nature of the threat from Iran,‭ ‬which he believes is the greatest threat America faces.‭ ‬He explained some of the end times theology of Shia Islam and emphasized Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s desire to bring about the apocalypse by using a nuclear weapon..

‎“‏It sounds crazy,‭ ‬but is it any less serious if they believe it‭?” ‬Santorum said.‭ “‬Show me in the history of the world where a group of people dedicated to destroying someone else goes away peacefully.‭”

Santorum’s speech in the auditorium of UNL’s City Campus Union lasted about‭ ‬90‭ ‬minutes and was sponsored by the UNL College Republicans.